- Age: 15 weeks
- Sex: female
- Breed: dsh
- Carer: Ashlee C
- 0409 320 096
Date of listing 18/05/2023
Hi, my name is Gamora and I’m a fierce, sweet, cute girl.
I have unique markings and an adorable little face.
I’m super affectionate and I love to come up to you for a cuddle, in fact, I’ll demand it!
I love a good pat and I love to run around and play. I’m often just under your feet so make sure you’re looking out for me when you’re walking!
I take some time to adjust to other cats and kittens. I’ll often growl and hiss, so a household with no animals, or animals that will respect my space would be ideal.
I’m a big scaredy cat around big dogs. I don’t like my foster brothers at all. So I’ll need a home who has no dogs or smaller ones.
I’m the boss of the home, and can play a little rough sometimes, but I’m great at knowing my boundaries.
I’m great at using my litter box and I love to eat my food.
I love to run around and have the zoomies and then I’ll settle in nice for a sleep with you.
Please contact my foster carer if you would like to meet me!