- Age: 7 Months
- Sex: Female
- Breed: DSH
- Carer: Rachael
- 0439357827
Date of listing 11/02/2022
Hi I’m Tabitha!
I’m a little kitty with a big attitude!
I’m bossy with all the grown up kitties and little foster kitties too, I’m in charge, but I’m not mean.
I’m a big cuddle bug, I love a nice long warm cuddle and kisses all over my face, and I’ll come lay on your lap or your chest and purr my heart out.
I’m a good climber, I jump up on shoulders, ride on your back while you do the vacuuming, and tap your leg with my paw if you take too long with my dinner bowl.
I do need to be on a chicken free diet, my foster carer can walk you through my needs, I’m not difficult to take care of.
I’ve developed some sensitivities as I’ve grown, I was very sick as a baby, I almost didn’t make it.
I’ll eat anything I can get my paws on so I would need to be an inside cat to keep me out of mischief.
If you choose me as your new best friend you’ll never be lonely, even though I’m bossy I’m the sweetest little girl you’ll ever meet.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me!