- Age: 12 weeks
- Sex: Female
- Breed: DSH
- Carer: Erin
- 0427422115
Date of listing 19/07/2022
My name is Muffin, I’m a very sweet, smoochy, brave and fearless girl.
When I want a pat, I’ll come right up and lay on your chest or rub up against your hand. It took me awhile to come out of my shell but now I’m outgoing and rule my foster home. I love to snuggle up to my foster parents at night and go to sleep on their pillow.
I get along well with my foster siblings and I’ve been very adaptable to my environment. I have two big foster dog brothers and their barking never bothers me.
I’m excellent at using my cat litter and I share my food.
I’m still a kitty, so I love to play, but I love even more staying close by and chilling out with you.
I’m great at respecting other cats or kittens that aren’t fond of me and I always give them space, I’m great at picking up social cues. I’m also great at using my cat scratching post and not furniture, I rarely use my claws and I’m very gentle with everything.
Apart from my foster family animals, I’m all alone, my siblings have all been adopted and now I’m ready to find my forever home with you. Contact my foster carer today!