Help us make a difference and join our wonderful team of volunteers.

The role of a foster carer is to give a temporary home to cats and dogs in care while actively assisting in finding a new forever home. MARS relies heavily on foster carers and the more carers we have the more dogs and cats we can bring into care.
MARS covers all vet costs for the animal, foster carers just need to provide a safe place for them to stay, basic training, food and of course LOVE!
When your foster finds their new home there is no greater feeling then knowing you helped save a life. Without foster carers, the majority of animals in the MARS adoption program would have had no second chance at a happy life.
To give your foster animal the best chance of finding a new home we ask you to attend our monthly adoption days. This is a very important event for the exposure of your foster to the public.
Adoption days are not only a chance for your foster to socialise with other foster animals but also for carers to come together and meet, talk to the coordinators and share hints, tips and training advice.
Carers work closely with the coordinators to ensure all vet work is up to date and that adoptions are approved to the best possible homes.
By completing our foster carer application form, we can endeavour to match you with the right pet that suits your home and lifestyle requirements be it a cat or dog, big or small.
If becoming a foster carer is something that you think you would like to do, please complete the attached application and one of our members will be in touch to answer any questions you may have.
MARS Foster Carer Agreement Version 5 February 2021
The following document is to provide you with a detailed understanding of your role as a foster carer and to collect some information about you so that we can understand your living environment, what type of animals you are able to foster and be confident of a safe, secure and loving environment for those animals.
Please read carefully;
Fill in this application form with as much detail as possible in order to assist our co-ordinators to match your family with the right foster.
Consent to a MARS co-ordinator visiting your home to conduct a yard check (for dogs) to assess its suitability for fostering.
Agree to provide a safe environment, love, compassion and enrichment for your foster animals. We ask that you provide food as your contribution however we often receive donated food which is distributed when needed.
Consider becoming a financial member of M.A.R.S which has a yearly membership fee of $10 payable to our Treasurer.
Account details:
Mackay Animal Rescue Society Inc
BSB: 645 646
Acc: 105774790
Ref: your name
MARS holds Adoption Days once a month as an opportunity for the public to meet all the animals. This is a wonderful opportunity for your foster to meet with potential adopters. It is a requirement to attend these events as often as possible.
You will be asked to take photos and write a few words about your foster so that a profile can be made. This can be posted on our Facebook page or emailed in. This needs to be done within one week of your foster coming into care unless advised by coordinators. Photos need to be clear and appealing with only the foster included in the photo.
All animals’ profiles are listed on our Facebook page, our website, Savourlife website and Pet Rescue website. I understand that my phone number will be used in advertising my foster so the public can contact me directly. You may also advertise your foster in other areas.
When I am contacted by a member of the public wishing to view my foster I will arrange for them to visit my home or a convenient suitable location for a viewing while adhering to all safety requirements if my foster is not fully vaccinated. If the viewing is successful you must ensure a questionnaire is completed by potential owners and forwarded to MARS email address for assessment. The committee and yourself will then decide the successful applicant and the relevant coordinator will then complete the adoption process.
The co-ordinator will advise you when your foster has the all clear to leave your care. Please remove the green MARS tag from your foster dog when they leave us.
If contacted by a member of the public for reasons over and above your current advertised foster animal, direct them to the MARS phone 0447 186 277, the President or relevant co-ordinator or the MARS Facebook page