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Adopt Ebony-439172


MEET Ebony

  • Age: 4 years
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Great Dane x
  • Carer: Teagan
  • 0427 708 886

Date of listing 30/11/2021

Hi, Nice to meet you, my name is Ebony and with any luck I could be your future family member.

My breed has a great reputation for being giant, but I come as a petite version and I’m fully grown!

I’m a young soul with some energy to burn and I’m eager to see what the world has to offer.

I get along with other dogs, however I haven’t been socialised much over my life time so I’d need a little patience from you if I’m to have any fur-siblings.

My ideal home would include a big yard for me to explore and run around, my very own bed to snuggle into every night, and a family who has the time to spend with me to fulfill my affection battery.

With a lot of love and some consistent training I believe I could make a great addition to your family. Call my foster mum to come and meet me!

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Adopt Ghost-621919


MEET Ghost

  • Age: 8 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Wolfhound x
  • Carer: Mel
  • 0409736509

Date of listing 30/11/2021

G’day, my name is Ghost.

I like to hide anywhere I can so know one can find me, but I always show when I’m called especially when there’s food involved.

I will be a large boy and will need a big yard and someone to entertain me.

I love to snuggle up with my brother and I adore kids of any age.

I will be a great guard dog and would love a family to protect.

If you think I will fit in with you call my foster mum.

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Adopt Snoopy-862057

ADOPT Snoopy

MEET Snoopy

  • Age: 8 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Wolfhound x
  • Carer: Mel
  • 0409736509

Date of listing 30/11/2021

G’day, my name is Snoopy.

You won’t find me far as I like to be right under your feet seeing what your up to.

I am an easy pup that loves a good cuddle.

I love to try and swim with the ducks, I really like them but it’s not mutual.

I will make a great guard dog and would suit a family with kids to play with and protect.

If you think I am what your looking for please call my foster mum.

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Adopt Polar Bear-825801

ADOPT Polar Bear

MEET Polar Bear

  • Age: 8 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Wolfhound x
  • Carer: Tina
  • 0413 346 338

Date of listing 30/11/2021

Hello! My name is Polar Bear and I’m the cutest cuddly bear you can bear.

I am the happiest little boy, I’m always smiling and wagging my tail.

I just love to please everyone.

I am looking for a family who is going to love me especially when I’m a big boy.

If you would like to meet me message my foster mum.

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Adopt Polar Bear-470393

ADOPT Polar Bear

MEET Polar Bear

  • Age: 8 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Wolfhound x
  • Carer: Michelle
  • 0411 481 149

Date of listing 30/11/2021

Hello! My name is Polar Bear and I’m the cutest cuddly bear you can bear.

I am the happiest little boy, I’m always smiling and wagging my tail.

I just love to please everyone.

I am looking for a family who is going to love me especially when I’m a big boy.

If you would like to meet me message my foster mum.

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Adopt Penguin-275630

ADOPT Penguin

MEET Penguin

  • Age: 8 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Wolfhound x
  • Carer: Michelle
  • 0411 481 149

Date of listing 30/11/2021

Hi there!

My name is Penguin and I’m a sweet little boy.

I’m happy to play on my own but it’s better when my brother and foster brother and sister join in.

I am looking for a family who will make me their world and love me forever.

I’ll be a big boy needing a big area to grow up in so if you think you have the love and the yard to give me a forever family please text (only) my foster mum to come and meet me.

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Adopt Phoebe-895902

ADOPT Phoebe

MEET Phoebe

  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Rodney
  • 0401825385

Date of listing 28/11/2021

Hi there my name is Phoebe!

I am an all black kitty that loves to play, with my toys, with my sister or with my humans.

I will follow you around everywhere to see what you are doing and if i can help.

I love to be patted and I turn into an instant and loud purring machine despite my diminutive size.

If you are looking for a helpful, playful and smoochy kitten, I;m your girl, so give my carer a call to come and meet me.

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Adopt Penny-625968


MEET Penny

  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Rodney
  • 0401825385

Date of listing 28/11/2021

Hi my name is Penny.

I am a very pretty little tortoiseshell cat who loves to find a sunny spot to take a nap in or take in my surroundings.

I am very active and I love to play and run all the time.

My sister and I love to chase each over all over the place, through tunnels, up and down the cat posts or race crazy around the house.

I am ready to meet my forever family, so if you think that could be you please give my carer a call to come and meet me.

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Adopt Manolo-419212

ADOPT Manolo

MEET Manolo

  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Sarah
  • 0448 895 899

Date of listing 28/11/2021

Hi my name is Manolo.

I’m very affectionate when once I am comfortable with you.

I enjoy playing on scratch posts, hiding in boxes and running up and down the ramp.

I love my food and don’t like to share, if you get in my way when I’m eating, watch out I guard it, put my paws over it and let you know its mine.

I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray so give my foster mum a call to come and meet me.

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Adopt Gucci-471324


MEET Gucci

  • Age: 8 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Sarah
  • 0448 895 899

Date of listing 28/11/2021

Hi my name is Gucci.

I’m a sweet young man like my brother Hugo.

I am a bit of a mummies boy so when my brother Marc picks on me i race to tell my mum so she can make it better.

I love to play with my siblings and toys and I do enjoy some cuddles when I am comfortable with you.

I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray so give my foster mum a call to come meet me.

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