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Adopt Misty-705669


MEET Misty

  • Age: 2 years
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: Dsh
  • Carer: Sarah L
  • 0448 895 899

Date of listing 24/05/2023

Hi I’m Misty. I was dumped with my sister when we were kittens.

A lovely lady looked after us and we had a few litters of kittens with her.

On the day our last litters were born we came into Mars care and now our babies are all grown up, its our time to find a home and be spoilt.

I’m very smoochy and love attention. I’m the timid sister.

My sister Puss and I are very bonded we do everything together and even shared our babies and looked after each others. We would love a home together.

I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.

Please call my foster carer to meet me.

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Adopt Puss-854733



  • Age: 2 years
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Dsh
  • Carer: Sarah L
  • 0448 895 899

Date of listing 24/05/2023

Hi I’m Puss. I was dumped with my sister when we were kittens.

A lovely lady looked after us and we had a few litters of kittens with her.

On the day our last litters were born we came into Mars care and now our babies are all grown up, its our time to find a home and be spoilt.

I’m very smoochy and love attention. I’m the dominant sister.

My sister Misty and I are very bonded. We do everything together and even shared our babies and looked after each others. We would love a home together.

I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.

Please call my foster carer to meet me.

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Adopt Katniss-409684

ADOPT Katniss

MEET Katniss

  • Age: 2 years
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: Dsh
  • Carer: Sue K
  • 0439 030 002

Date of listing 24/05/2023

Hi my name is Katniss.

I came into care with my babies after we were found abandoned.

I earned my warrior name for keeping my babies safe and being the best mum ever.

I am a beautiful, sweet-natured, placid girl who just wants to be with you.

I would make an excellent companion for anyone needing a friend to just love and be loved by.

My babies are all grown so it’s my time to find my furever home.

If you’d like some silky warm snuggles and soft purring company on your couch please arrange to meet me.

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Adopt Birdie-893713

ADOPT Birdie

MEET Birdie

  • Age: 11 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Chantell R
  • 0491 179 033

Date of listing 18/05/2023

Sweet as sugar, Birdie softly purrs,
Curling up with a gentle, shy stir.
Her independent nature, oh so strong,
She’d explore the world, all day long.
Birdie, a name that suits her well,
A little feline with stories to tell.
Seeking a home where love abounds,
Where her playful spirit truly astounds.
A character with spunk, she’ll make you smile,
Birdie, the kitten, adds charm to your style.

Please contact her foster carer if you would like to organise a meeting.

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Adopt Chanelle-684839

ADOPT Chanelle

MEET Chanelle

  • Age: 11 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Chantell R
  • 0491 179 033

Date of listing 18/05/2023

Introducing Chanelle, a kitten so sweet,
Up for adoption, she’s a cuddly treat.
With fur like silk and eyes so bright,
She’ll steal your heart, day or night.
Belly tickles and smooches galore,
Chanelle’s affection will leave you wanting more.

If she sounds like the kitten for you, please contact her foster carer to organise a meeting.

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Adopt Sheba-535156


MEET Sheba

  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Sue K
  • 0439 030 002

Date of listing 18/05/2023

Hi my name is Sheba… aka the Queen of Everything!

I sit and look so sleek and shiny and regal but I’m not. I’m really funny and very cheeky.

I love to chase and rough and tumble with my siblings or make a game out of anything to amuse myself.

I love boxes to sit in and things to climb and tunnels to run through.

I’m almost wearing a sneaky white bikini that you can only see if you give me tummy rubs… which I love. In fact I love head rubs.. tail scratches and cuddles too. I’ll always find a warm lap to snuggle on and purr.

If life is boring and you need a friend… like the song says… you got a friend in me!

I love my food and always use my litter tray.

If you’d like to meet me and share a cuddle please call my foster carer.

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Adopt Crumble-687310

ADOPT Crumble

MEET Crumble

  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Tina M
  • 0413 346 338

Date of listing 18/05/2023

Hey, my name is Crumble and I’m a sweet girl and love my food.

I’m always close by to my foster carer and foster siblings as I’m a big snuggler. I love to give kisses too.

I’m also playful and am litter trained. Please contact my foster carer Tina to meet me.

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Adopt Custard-435469

ADOPT Custard

MEET Custard

  • Age: 11 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Lynette G
  • 0418 790 861

Date of listing 18/05/2023

Hello my name is Custard as I have patches behind my ears a custard colour.

Boy am I a smoocher. I love to sit on my carer’s lap at every opportunity. I am such a dear little thing with a tabby coat with white markings.

I love my food and am very good at using my kitty litter.

I have my sister to play with at the moment and we go all day playing with toys and chasing each other.

I have come along in leaps and bounds over the last weeks and am very happy with my progress.

I would love to live with you if you are kind to me. Hoping to meet up with you if you think I am the one.

Please contact my foster carer to meet me.

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Adopt Brownie-692510

ADOPT Brownie

MEET Brownie

  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Tina M
  • 0413 346 338

Date of listing 18/05/2023

Hi, my name is Brownie and I’m full of mischief.

I love my food and snuggles with my foster carer and siblings.

I’m playful and bring joy to those around me.

I’m litter trained.

Please contact my foster carer to meet me.

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Adopt Cookie-220264

ADOPT Cookie

MEET Cookie

  • Age: 11 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Lynette G
  • 0418 790 861

Date of listing 18/05/2023

Hello my name is Cookie as I am cute enough to eat.

I am very dark brown with lovely cream markings both spots and stripes. I have two parallel stripes down my back on either side of my spine. Quite unusual.

I love my food and am excellent using my kitty litter.

At the moment I have my sister to play with so am enjoying life to the fullest.

I like to sit on my foster carer’s lap whenever I can as I love a pat and a bit of attention.

I would love to live with you if you are kind to me and I will reward you with my best behaviour.

If you would like to meet me then contact my foster carer.

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