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Adopt Nebula-358953

ADOPT Nebula

MEET Nebula

  • Age: 14 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Collie x stag x Dane x arab
  • Carer: Cassie
  • 0448 960 475

Date of listing 19/02/2022

Hi I’m Nebula!

I’m a loveable little girl who is full of personality, playfulness and puppy love.

I’m your typical pup that just wants to explore.

I love going on adventures in the back yard, playing with dog toys and running around like a crazy pocket rocket.

When I get tired, I love a nice big cuddle.

I have been around other dogs of different sizes, cats, goats & chickens.

My foster family has children aged between 5-14 years and I absolutely love them too.

I’m a pup who is loving, cheeky, feisty and absolutely adorable with the big puppy eyes.

Please call my foster carer to come and meet me!

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Adopt Nikki-564154


MEET Nikki

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Arab x
  • Carer: Leanne
  • 0477 760 534

Date of listing 19/02/2022

Hello, my name is Nikki and I am the cheeky one of the litter.

I love to sit and watch, and when you are not looking I will pounce on you.

I don’t mind playing with my sister but to be honest I would rather lay at my foster mum’s feet and watch her rummage around the garden.

I have learnt to sit for my dinner and I am starting to learn to walk on a lead.

I am pretty good but need a bit more practice, would you like to help teach me?

if you would like to meet me please give my foster carer a call.

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Adopt Darius-891256

ADOPT Darius

MEET Darius

  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Ragdoll x
  • Carer: Wanita
  • 0416 780 877

Date of listing 17/02/2022

Hello my name is Darius.

I’m a shy kitty, still learning and understanding the world.

I like to sleep in cupboards, nice dark spots is where I feel comfortable.

Even though I’m shy, when I see that you want to love me I listen for your voice when you come home and come for cuddles.

I have the quietest meow you’ll ever hear, well actually you may even miss it I’m that quiet.

I’m not a fan of dogs but love being around my brother for plays, so I’d love to find a home with other cats I’ll like.

I’m learning to use my little tray and won’t be long till I’m independently using it.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me and you’ll sure love my soft nature.

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Adopt Lucian-435952

ADOPT Lucian

MEET Lucian

  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: Ragdoll x
  • Carer: Wanita
  • 0416 780 877

Date of listing 17/02/2022

Hello my name is Lucian.

I’m a confident kitten, not afraid to learn, try and see new things even meet dogs, I can hold my own.

I do have a soft side where I love pats and cuddles from my foster carer or to play with feathers and other toys, I’m quite fun.

I currently live with 3 children that pick me up constantly which doesn’t bother me, I’m happy for them to carry me to the next room.

I also confidently use my litter tray when needed, I’m a quick learner.

You’ll see from my photos I’m really fluffy with flecks of white tips in some areas, it’s pretty cool.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me, you’ll sure fall in love with me.

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Adopt Tiggur-530557

ADOPT Tiggur

MEET Tiggur

  • Age: 1 year old
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: Manx x
  • Carer: Rachael
  • 0439357827

Date of listing 17/02/2022

Hi I’m Tiggur!

I’m super friendly, I love pats and ear scratches.

I’m curious about everything and love to explore, I take my time checking out everything that’s new.

I’m easy going, if you like cats I like you too, I don’t waste time being shy.

I’m good with other friendly cats and kittens and I’m very patient.

I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Fanta-790129


MEET Fanta

  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Tina
  • 0413 346 338

Date of listing 17/02/2022

Hi I’m Fanta.

My siblings and I were rescued from a drain that we’d been living in for 6 weeks.

I’m a friendly boy, I will come up to you for pats if I trust you.

I love play time, my brother and I like to chase my sister or wrestle with each other.

I love to snuggle up in a comfy bed all to myself when I’m all tuckered out.

I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Chino-145016


MEET Chino

  • Age: 8 weeks
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: burmese x
  • Carer: Rachael
  • 0439357827

Date of listing 17/02/2022

Hi I’m Chino.

I’m absolutely stunning, can you believe I spent the first 6 weeks of my life down a drain?

I’m the biggest of my siblings so I’m the most careful.

I’m still learning to trust people but I’m coming around with treats and yummy dinners.

I love pats but I might shy away from your hand first, move slowly so I know you won’t hurt me.

I’m not sure how I would cope with young children but if they’re gentle and quiet it might be ok.

I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Alyssa-352481

ADOPT Alyssa

MEET Alyssa

  • Age: 11 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Cattle x Kelpie
  • Carer: Jewel
  • 0413 316 717

Date of listing 16/02/2022

Hi, my name is Alyssa, but my foster folks call me Aly or Panda.

I’m so fluffy and smushy you will just want to cuddle and love me.

My favourite thing is playing in water, I have a pool but if it’s not full, the water bowl is fine.

I have 2 sisters living with me and playing hidey and chasey are lots of fun. It keeps me entertained for hours.

A big dog lives here and I really like her, and she tolerates me most of the time.

We all love chasing the big dog when she plays with the ball, but I’m the fastest runner.

If you would like to meet me, and have water for me to play in, call my foster mum or come to the next adoption day.

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Adopt Alex-714174



  • Age: 11 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Cattle x Kelpie
  • Carer: Jewel
  • 0413 316 717

Date of listing 16/02/2022

Hi, my name is Alex.

I love to play and wrestle with my 2 sisters that also live here with me.

There is a big dog that lives here as well and she is definitely in charge, whenever I annoy her too much she growls and flips me over, but I always go back for more.

I play hard and love a nap but I don’t mind a cuddle too.

We all love chasing the big dog when she plays with the ball, and I am fast so I can always keep up.

If you would like to meet me, call my foster mum or come to the next adoption day.

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