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Adopt Fantine-671612

ADOPT Fantine

MEET Fantine

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Rachael
  • 0439357827

Date of listing 15/11/2022

Hi I’m Fantine!

I’m the shy one out of my litter. I’m a little unsure of new people but I’m a sweetheart when you gain my trust.

I like back scratches and soft conversations; my eyes will tell you I understand what you’re trying to tell me.

I jump around when my siblings are in play mode, but I don’t often like to be the one tussling, I’m happy to play with toys and watch the fun while I chase behind.

I’m the first to get tired and the last to come to dinner. I’m never in a hurry and I just go with the flow.

I eat all of my food and always use my litter tray.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Valjean-131335

ADOPT Valjean

MEET Valjean

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Rachael
  • 0439357827

Date of listing 15/11/2022

Hi I’m Valjean!

I’m a rocket full of fuel. I’m always go go go.

I can scale any vertical, including you, in mere seconds!

I love to stir up my siblings or play with hands, feet, anything I can get at really.

I’m full of personality and I’m very confident.

When I nap, I nap hard, but not for very long. I won’t let you catch me sleeping very often.

I eat all of my food and always use my litter tray.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Eponine-396402

ADOPT Eponine

MEET Eponine

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Rachael
  • 0439357827

Date of listing 15/11/2022

Hi I’m Eponine!

I like to play with my brothers. I may be small but I’m a smart cookie, I sneak up for a surprise attack!

I act tough but my foster carer knows that my brothers go easy on me, they know I’m all talk.

When I’m worn out, I love a good tummy tickle or a cuddle in your arms. I turn into butter when I’m sleepy.

I love high perches to nap on during the day, I’m good at finding the best spots to have my me time.

I eat all of my food and always use my litter tray.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Javert-570522

ADOPT Javert

MEET Javert

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Rachael
  • 0439357827

Date of listing 15/11/2022

Hi I’m Javert!

I’m a cuddly little boy but I’m easily stirred up for a play, my brother is good at roping me into wrestle time.

I love to climb up on your shoulders or cuddle up on your lap, I like to be close to you.

I’m a sook sometimes, when I’m tired I love a good cuddle and some kisses.

I help my foster carer clean our room, I swat at the crummies, it’s good fun.

I eat all of my food and always use my litter tray.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Nala-460789



  • Age: 5 Years
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Cattle x
  • Carer: Cheryl
  • 0408 133 822

Date of listing 09/11/2022

Hi, my name is Nala. Last November I became a Mum to six beautiful puppies, but they have grown up and a couple of them have already gone to their forever homes.

Now it’s my turn, I need a family of my own.

Even though I have spent most of my life outside, my foster carer lets me inside and I have been very well behaved.

I am also very good when we go out the gate and come straight back if my foster carer calls.

We have a pool here too and I think it’s awesome.

My ideal home would have someone I can hang out with all day, I don’t really need another dog to keep me company, I prefer people.

A secure yard is essential because I get an urge to go looking for you if I have to be left at home.

I am rather small for my age so I could fit into your space easily.

Please give my foster carer a call and come out and meet me.

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Adopt Tiger-142009


MEET Tiger

  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Wendy
  • 0400080272

Date of listing 04/11/2022

Hi, my name is Tiger.

I’m a gorgeous tabby x tortoiseshell.

I am great with children and love to play especially in boxes and tunnels.

I eat all my food and will let you know if I’m hungry.

I have no problems using my litter tray.

I’m ready to find my furever home. Call or text my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Princess-495773

ADOPT Princess

MEET Princess

  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Flamepoint Siamese
  • Carer: Wendy
  • 0400080272

Date of listing 04/11/2022

Hi, my name is Princess.

I’m a gorgeous girl with piercing blue eyes and ginger markings on my feet, tail and tips of my ears.

I am great with children and love to play and climb.

You may even hear me me talk and growl when playing.

I will eat all my food and have no problems using my litter tray.

I’m ready to find my furever home.

Call or text my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Boo-258348



  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Flamepoint Siamese x
  • Carer: Sarah
  • 0448 895 899

Date of listing 04/11/2022

Hi I’m Boo.

I’m very affectionate and just want to be with you.

When I see you, I will flop down in front of you and roll around for tummy scratches.

I purr the moment I see you.

I love playing with my toys and brother.

I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Mishka-671941

ADOPT Mishka

MEET Mishka

  • Age: 1.5 years
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Rachael
  • 0439357827

Date of listing 01/11/2022

Hi, my name is Mishka.

I came into care with my 7 beautiful babies. I have done a wonderful job raising them all to be healthy, happy and adopted so now it’s my turn.

I’m a little timid and shy in new situations but if you give me time, I’ll show you what a funny, lively, lovely young lady I am.

I’d be a wonderful companion for someone who wants an independent friend to keep them company and share the couch with.

I’m probably not suited to young children but would thrive as an only cat in a mature home.

I eat all my food and always use my litter tray.

If you think your home would suit my needs, please call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Kermit-353685

ADOPT Kermit

MEET Kermit

Date of listing 01/11/2022

Hi, my name is Kermit.

I’m a cute, fun little guy who loves to play with anyone and anything.

I love tunnels and balls and boxes and one day I’m going to catch that pesky tail.

I have so much fun chasing my siblings and would be happy to have a friend to play with.

I purr like crazy when you stroke me and will follow you around when I need a cuddle.

I’m eating well and using my litter tray. Please call my foster carer to come for a play date.

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