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Adopt Carl-555589



  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: siamese x
  • Carer: Diana R
  • 0483 812 331

Date of listing 10/03/2023

Hello, my name is Carl.

I am a white Flame Point Siamese Cross fluffy boy.

I am very gentle and very playful, especially with my siblings and humans including little children.

I am a very good eater of all types of food and use the kitty litter extremely well.

I love running around the house chasing my siblings, then cuddling up to them to have a snooze.

If you would love to meet me, please contact my foster carer.

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Adopt Marley-583333

ADOPT Marley

MEET Marley

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Collie x
  • Carer: Rachael D
  • 0439 357 827

Date of listing 04/03/2023

Hi I’m Marley!

I’m a confident little pup who loves to explore.

I’ve got lots of energy. I’ll need lots of outdoor play time and thinking toys to keep me occupied.

I’m not scared of much; I find it very entertaining when the ducks fly away as I run over to them.

I’m only a baby so I’ll need training and lots of tummy rubs.

I eat all of my food and I’m learning to obey commands.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Pebbles-483423

ADOPT Pebbles

MEET Pebbles

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Collie x
  • Carer: Graeme L
  • 0429 495 552

Date of listing 04/03/2023

Hello, my name is Pebbles.

I love to play and have fun and be around people.

I’m a really chilled puppy, though I love to play like all pups.

I also like to just sit or lay and take in all that’s going on around me.

Nothing much worries me from lawn mowers to leaf blowers and I’m starting to get hold of my training by sitting for food but prefer to go exploring.

If you would like to meet me, please come to the next adoption day or call my foster carer.

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Adopt Patch-633712


MEET Patch

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Collie x
  • Carer: Graeme L
  • 0429 495 552

Date of listing 04/03/2023

Hi I’m Patch!

I love to explore and take note of all that’s around me.

I am very chill when with my foster carer but love to play and wrestle with my brother.

I’m confident around new things, from lawn mowers to leaf blowers nothing really bothers me.

I love my attention and get a little jealous when my brother has his turn.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Freya-359578


MEET Freya

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Collie x
  • Carer: Rachael D
  • 0439 357 827

Date of listing 04/03/2023

Hi I’m Freya!

I’m a bit timid. I don’t run very far ahead without looking back to check you’re still with me.

I follow my sister around and I love to play chase or wrestle.

I LOVE squeaky toys, they’re very entertaining.

I like reassurance and for you to come with me to explore. I don’t think I’d cope in a family with nobody to keep me company very often.

I eat all of my food and I’m learning to obey commands.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Penny-866308


MEET Penny

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Mix
  • Carer: Michelle M
  • 0411 481 149

Date of listing 04/03/2023

Hello, I’m Penny and I can’t wait to meet my new family!

I am a bundle of fun and love to explore and keep a close eye on all that is around me.

I’m a confident little girl and would love a young family with kids who will play with me and teach me tricks.

Please message my foster carer so you can come and meet me.

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Adopt Ajax-343056



  • Age: 8 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Mix
  • Carer: Pam C
  • 0417 371 562

Date of listing 04/03/2023

Hi, I am Ajax and I am a cute little boy.

I run around like crazy burning my energy and then I love to snuggle on my bed at your feet or on your lap for a sleep.

I am a sweet little rascal who is playful and quiet.

I would make a fantastic member to any family. Will it be yours?

If you would like to meet me, give my foster carer a call or text.

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Adopt Midgy-828996


MEET Midgy

  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Mix
  • Carer: Kim S
  • 48 866 021

Date of listing 04/03/2023

Hi I’m Midget!

I am a lovely, people loving pup.

I love belly rubs and being near my foster carers.

I would be ideal for a family or a person who is home a lot.

I am being house trained and learning sit.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Rocky-871573


MEET Rocky

  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Mix
  • Carer: Kim S
  • 48 866 021

Date of listing 04/03/2023

Hi I’m Rocky!

I am a delightful, fun-loving pup.

I love my toys. I am learning sit and I am house trained if I can get outside.

I would suit a family and I get on well with my foster carer’s older dog.

Call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Iris-128983



  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Mix
  • Carer: Michelle M
  • 0411 481 149

Date of listing 04/03/2023

Hi, I’m Iris and I am a sweet little girl.

I have so much love to give to my new family.

I love cuddles and will sit right by your side. Actually, I prefer to sleep on your feet.

I am looking for a quiet family who will spend lots of time loving me.

My sister and I love to play, chew, sleep and grow.

If you would like to meet me, please message my foster carer.

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