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Adopt Ursula-426175

ADOPT Ursula

MEET Ursula

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Diana R
  • 0483 812 331

Date of listing 24/04/2023

Hello, my name is Ursula.

I am an absolute gorgeous grey girl with tabby marking and amazing thick fur.

I am gentle as can be and have a very good personality.

I can be cheeky when I want to be, but I am more loveable than anything.

I am absolutely amazing with young kids and play extremely well with my sister.

I am excellent at using my litter tray and eat all my yummy food.

Contact my foster carer if you would like to meet me.

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Adopt Casey-342003


MEET Casey

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Karina B
  • 0409 748 332

Date of listing 24/04/2023

Hi, my name is Casey,

I am a very sweet girl that speaks to you and loves to sit next to you on the couch.

I will always follow you around unless I am sleeping.

I enjoy my sisters company and snuggles with her.

I love to chase and play with my toys and also climb on my climbing tree.

I am used to young children.

I enjoy my food and always use my litter tray
If you’d like to meet me please call my foster carer to organise a visit

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Adopt Rufus-482085


MEET Rufus

  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: DMH
  • Carer: Diana R
  • 0483 812 331

Date of listing 12/04/2023

Hello, I’m Rufus.

I am a little, fluffy, grey panda bear.

I have an amazing personality and I’m very cheeky and can be mischievous when I want to be.

I am very gentle and very friendly and I love to play with all my toys. I even love to hide in boxes.

I am a very good eater of all my food and always use my litter tray. I even love rolling in it.

If you would love to meet me, please contact my foster carer.

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Adopt Milton-961760

ADOPT Milton

MEET Milton

  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Diana R
  • 0483 812 331

Date of listing 12/04/2023

Hello, I’m Milton.

I am a little, cuddly, grey tabby boy.

I have a very soft personality and love to play with my toys and my humans but most of all I love to sleep.

I am very gentle and very friendly and love exploring my surroundings especially the high places.

I am a very good eater of all food and always use my litter tray.

If you would love to meet me, please contact my foster carer.

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Adopt Chaffie-395416

ADOPT Chaffie

MEET Chaffie

  • Age: 8 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Sue K
  • 0439 030 002

Date of listing 12/04/2023

Hi my name is Chaffie.

I was found in a workshop and had to be bottle fed till I learnt to eat solids, so I love cuddles on warm laps and snuggling into necks.

I’m as cute as a button with my very distinctive colouring and stripes and you will fall in love with my beautiful soul-searching eyes.

I’m a little shy around new people but warm up very quickly to offers of food, cuddles or toys.

I’m not a fan of loud noises so older children would probably be best for me.

I love playing chasey with my sisters and racing them up the cat trees so a friend would be fine.

I eat all my food and I’m an expert at using my litter tray.

Contact my foster carer if you would like to meet me.

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Adopt Emma-235488



  • Age: 11 Weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Chantell R
  • 0491 179 033

Date of listing 12/04/2023

Hi my name is Emma.

I am a cute, cuddly kinda girl with just enough sass to be a great friend and playmate.

I love snuggling in your lap and can purr really loud.

My favourite toys are climbing towers and tunnels and balls.

I love chasing that crazy red dot as well.

I enjoy all my food and always use my litter tray.

If you’d like to meet me and feel how soft and snuggly I am please call my foster carer.

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Adopt Starla-881649

ADOPT Starla

MEET Starla

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: DMH
  • Carer: Tania
  • 0414 595 979

Date of listing 12/04/2023

My name is Starla and my foster carer says I’m a sweetheart!

I am very polite, never forcing myself on to you. I will meow softly as if striking up quiet conversation first before coming over to you.

I will sit on you and stare straight into your eyes as if trying to read your mind.

I walk around with striking elegance and I’m not demanding at all.

I love to be near my foster carer and sometimes you will find me sleeping behind a cushion on the couch so be careful before sitting down – I could be snoozing!

My new family would need to be gentle with me to begin with as I am shy. I would not be very good with a loud household.

Whoever adopts me will have a companion for life!

Contact my foster carer if you would like to meet me.

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Adopt Titan-149193


MEET Titan

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: DMH
  • Carer: Tania
  • 0414 595 979

Date of listing 12/04/2023

My name’s Titan and I’m a big boy!

I am the biggest smoocher and I reckon I might be a big boy because I sleep so much!

I love to climb on to my foster carer and sleep on her chest right up under her neck. I make myself right at home tossing and turning and purring really loud until I find my comfy spot.

I am not shy to ask for cuddles and I will constantly move around you so you can pat me on every inch of my fur.

I tend to fall asleep on my back and sometimes in weird spots so check behind cushions before you sit on the lounge! You never know, I could be hiding behind there!

I get the zooms with my sister and love to play. You’ll often find me sleeping with her, but lately I’ve been preferring my carers lap. I think I like humans more!

Call my foster carer! I’m waiting for my forever home!

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Adopt Elsie-274731


MEET Elsie

  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Sue K
  • 0439 030 002

Date of listing 12/04/2023

Hi my name is Elsie.

I am a beautiful silver tabby girl with gorgeous markings and deep expressive eyes.

I may look like an ice princess, very noble and regal but looks can be deceiving. I am a crazy wild child who loves to crash tackle my siblings, play with all the toys and race up the cat tree.

I have no boundaries and any lap or shoulder is mine to flop on for a cuddle and my purr machine registers off the chart.

I would be a great fit for anyone who wants the best playmate, cuddle buddy and bestie in their life.

I love my food and always use my litter tray.

I’m ready and waiting for my furever home. If you think it’s with you, please call my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Yoru-104440



  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Chantell R
  • 0491 179 033

Date of listing 03/04/2023

I was initially shy,
But boy do I have a loud cry.

I would be the one losing the battle,
While my brother went in for the tackle.

I would be the one leaving food to be seen,
While my brother would lick both his own plate and mine clean.

I am the one that always seems so small,
While my brother was turning into a little butter ball.

And when my brother was adopted, I cried a loud cry.
For my bro was my ‘Ride or Die’.

A new kitten took my bro’s place,
And I wanted her out of my face!

Overnight I endured a 180 change of attitude,
No longer was I a scaredy cat, I became a cool dude.

I started growing more and more each day,
And is now the one who initiates the tackles and play.

I am brave and sweet and love being held like a baby,
And if no one is watching I’ll give you kisses… just maybe.

I eat all my food and scope out the other bowls on the floor
And will let you know with that loud cry if I want MORE!!

So, give me an equally beautiful home,
And show me I don’t have to be alone.

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