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Adopt Alina-310946


MEET Alina

Contact Conny

  • Age: 4 years
  • Sex: Female
  • Breed: Russian Blue
  • Carer: Conny
  • 0414 396 372

Date of listing 23/01/2025

Introducing Alina.

In Russia the name Alina means beautiful, charming and bright.

What could better describe this majestic stunning lady?

She would be just as at home on a satin cushion in the St Petersburg Palace as she would smooching on your lap while you watch your favourite TV show.

Alina is so affectionate and loving and can’t wait to make your life complete.

You know you want her so don’t hesitate. Call her foster carer to arrange a meet and greet.

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Contact Conny

Adopt Sven-550986



Contact Conny

  • Age: 12 weeks
  • Sex: male
  • Breed: DSH
  • Carer: Conny
  • 0414 396 372

Date of listing 09/01/2025

Hi, I’m Sven.

I have grown up with three sisters so excuse my unimpressed expression.

I want my very own human to love me and help me grow into a big and strong man who will always look out for you as I know you will me.

Contact my foster carer if you would like to meet me.

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Contact Conny

Adopt Tiger-533786


MEET Tiger

  • Age: 11 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: Staffy x
  • Carer: Jenny P
  • 0427 256 619

Date of listing 28/11/2023

Hello there, I am Tiger.

I am happy, energetic, playful and handsome.

My hobbies include wrestling, playfighting, chasing balls and butterfly’s. Whilst I am an active boy, I love a snuggle and belly scratch.

My carer tells me that I am a very clever boy because I learnt to do my business outside.

I live with my two sisters and my big foster sister; I get on with everybody.

I love exploring through my big yard and live outside and love prowling through the garden and rolling around on the grass playing.

I haven’t met other animals yet but have seen a lot of kids and they’re fun. I have also seen the chickens through the fence, and they don’t scare me.

an outside boy but could be conned to come inside if you need me.

I am intrigued by the blower and the mower; they are not scary.

I will be a medium size boy when I grow up. If you need a companion or someone to go walking with, I’m your guy!

Contact my foster carer to come and meet me.

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Adopt Daisy-823922


MEET Daisy

  • Age: 2 yrs
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: Himalayan x ragdoll
  • Carer: Pia B
  • 0407 430 452

Date of listing 23/11/2023

Hello, my name is Daisy and I’m a young, gentle playmate who likes to follow my foster carer around for pats and cuddles.

I’ve just recently seen off my babies and am now looking for my furever companion and home.

I am well housetrained, and you won’t catch me jumping up on, or scratching your furniture.

I’m not bothered by other animals and I’m still currently trying to make friends with my foster carer’s other kitties who are a bit shy.

My foster carer’s four-year-old son is a bit of a handful, but he gives me lots of pats.

If you would like to know more or meet me, call my foster carer.

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Adopt Zeva-493588



  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Tania T
  • 0414 595 979

Date of listing 23/11/2023

Hi, my name is Zeva and I am a gentle kitten with a sweet nature.

I love cuddles and snuggles and when you pick me up, I will purr straight away. I hardly ever have my claws out because I am so happy to be around you.

If something scares me, I will find somewhere to hide and then probably settle in for a snooze!

I love my sisters and am lost without them. If my sisters are busy playing in another room, I will call out desperately in my sad little voice for them to come and get me. I really am just a baby!!!

I would love to be adopted with my sister Zuri as we have bonded the most with each other, but I am close to all my siblings.

I use my litter tray well and I have a nice big appetite!

Call my foster carer if you would like to meet me!

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Adopt Zazu-502269



  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Tania T
  • 0414 595 979

Date of listing 23/11/2023

Hi, my name is Zazu and I am the biggest snuggle pot!

I will purr loudly and rub my face all over you. I will run over to you like an Olympic champion and I’m the first to hear movements outside my bedroom.

I’m pretty much the biggest sticky beak! I make everything my business and I live by the mottos “First in best dressed” and “You snooze you lose!”

I am the most energetic of my litter and nothing happens without me knowing. I am not shy at all!! I have no problem with saying “I love you first” and I don’t take no for an answer.

I love my sisters so much! I am the hype sister and I get them all playing. I love to pounce and speed through my tunnel. My sister Zola is my partner in crime.

I would love to be adopted with my sister Zola but if not, another cat in the house would be enough. I’m not picky!

I use my litter tray well and I have a nice big appetite!

Call my foster carer if you would like to meet me!

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Adopt Zuri-487882



  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Tania T
  • 0414 595 979

Date of listing 23/11/2023

Hi, my name is Zuri, and I am a gentle and confident kitten with an old soul.

I love cuddles and snuggles and when you open the door to my room, I will come straight over to you and tap your foot and lay on my back in front of you.

I don’t have much to say, in fact my meow is hardly recognisable it’s so quiet! It just looks like I am mouthing my ‘meow’!

I am a leader and the most fearless of my sisters. I am easy going and very sure of myself. I was the first to ween myself off the bottle and am the last to go to bed.

I follow my foster carer around the house watching her do her chores. I will even get up close and personal when she’s cleaning the kitty litter because I just need to know her every move.

I love my sisters and am lost without them. I am close to all three of them but have a soft spot for Zeva.

I would love to be adopted with my sister Zeva so I can keep looking out for her.

I use my litter tray well and I have a nice big appetite!

Call my foster carer if you would like to meet me!

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Adopt Zola-788433



  • Age: 10 weeks
  • Sex: female
  • Breed: dsh
  • Carer: Tania T
  • 0414 595 979

Date of listing 23/11/2023

Hi, my name is Zola and I have a heart for adventure!

I love playing in my tunnel and go crazy when my sisters try to pounce on me. I love to play!

I am independent and low maintenance. I know how to make my own fun and my brain is constantly thinking overtime for my next thing to do.

You might think I’m a crazy cat but I’m not really. I am just very secure and confident in myself, and I am inquisitive about things.

I love my sisters and am constantly hyping them up. There is nothing better than a good pouncing match with my sister Zazu!

I would love to be adopted with my sister Zazu as we have bonded the most with each other, but I am close to all my siblings.

I use my litter tray well and I have a nice big appetite!

Call my foster carer if you would like to meet me!

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Adopt Rolf-375311



  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: mixed breed small/medium
  • Carer: Cheryl S
  • 0408 133 822

Date of listing 10/11/2023

Hi! My name is Rolf, and I am one of many!

I am part of a very happy, rowdy, mischievous and noisy bunch.

When I wake up in the morning, I think that everyone else should wake up too.

I sit for my meals. Toilet training needs some work, but I am starting to get the idea.

My ideal forever home would have someone to play with and keep me company.

If you would like to meet me then please contact my foster carer.

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Adopt Friedrich-737557

ADOPT Friedrich

MEET Friedrich

  • Age: 9 weeks
  • Sex: Male
  • Breed: mixed breed small/medium
  • Carer: Cheryl S
  • 0408 133 822

Date of listing 10/11/2023

Hi! My name is Friedrich, and I am one of many!

I am part of a very happy, rowdy, mischievous and noisy bunch.

When I wake up in the morning, I think that everyone else should wake up too.

I sit for my meals. Toilet training needs some work, but I am starting to get the idea.

My ideal forever home would have someone to play with and keep me company.

If you would like to meet me then please contact my foster carer.

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