ADOPT Voodoo
MEET Voodoo
- Age: 11 weeks
- Sex: Male
- Breed: DSH
- Carer: Rachael
- 0439357827
Date of listing 19/07/2022
Hi I’m Voodoo!
I’m a bit shy but I come out of my shell when there are toys to play with.
I don’t really like loud noises or busy places, I’ll find a cubby hole to hide in if things get scary.
I’m a sooky boy, I don’t like being by myself, I’d love it if I had a sibling in my new family to play with, maybe a friendly little dog or cat.
I love a good chin scratch or to sleep across your lap while you’re watching a movie.
I’m eating all my food and I always use my litter tray.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me.