MEET Ocean
- Age: 1 Year
- Sex: Female
- Breed: DMH
- Carer: Sarah
- 0448 895 899
Date of listing 09/05/2022
Hi I’m Ocean!
I was found living on the streets by a lovely gentlemen, he took me in and looked after me.
I had a surprise for him, I was pregnant!
I raised my 5 gorgeous babies who have all been adopted, now it’s time for me to find my furever home.
I’m a snuggle bug super cuddly and affectionate and just want to be with you.
I love to have a chat with you and tell you about my day and demand attention.
I don’t like loud noises, I get scared, so I don’t know how I would go with young children.
I would love a home with another friendly cat otherwise I will be lonely.
I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me.