ADOPT Epsilon
MEET Epsilon
- Age: 10 weeks
- Sex: Male
- Breed: Rotti x staffy
- Carer: Tanya
- 0403348392
Date of listing 17/05/2022
Hi there, my name is Epsilon although my humans call me Epsi or gorgeous and they wouldn’t be wrong.
I love the outdoors, playing tug or war, chasing balls, tag with the other dogs or the little humans.
I also love snuggles on the couch and have trained my humans to scratch and pat me until I fall fast asleep during their down time.
I’ve got my human trained to give me treats when I sit and I thank her by toileting on the grass outside but if I’m busting inside I will use the mat.
I’m happy to have chill time to myself and will find a quiet spot but once I’ve had my puppy power nap – games on!
Call my foster carer to come and meet me!