ADOPT Cosette
MEET Cosette
- Age: 11 weeks
- Sex: female
- Breed: dsh
- Carer: Rachael
- 0439357827
Date of listing 15/11/2022
Hi I’m Cosette!
I’m a sweetie pie. I love cuddles and kisses and I’m gentle when I play.
I like to get into mischief sometimes. I definitely live up to the label ‘naughty Torti’.
I push my siblings out of the way when it’s dinner time. I like to get the good food first.
I may be cheeky but I’m a lovely little companion. I was very small when I first came into care, so I’m very used to people.
I eat all of my food and always use my litter tray.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me.