- Age: 14 weeks
- Sex: Male
- Breed: Staffy x
- Carer: Wanita
- 0416 780 877
Date of listing 17/01/2022
Hi, my name is Cody!
I’m an overly happy pup, I find happiness and playfulness in almost everything.
I love playing with toys and catching balls, I also like to hide my food bowl each night as a game I play with my foster family.
I currently live with 2 other dogs and we get along so well.
I would love a house with other dogs to help with my active personality.
I also live with 3 small humans and I’m so very gently with them, I know to gently use my nose to look for pats, I’m very careful with them.
I’m currently an outside dog so I haven’t tried toilet training, but I listen well when I’m called.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me and we’ll sure be best friends.