- Age: 4 months
- Sex: Female
- Breed: DSH
- Carer: Sarah
- 0448 895 899
Date of listing 21/12/2021
Hi I’m Chic.
Even though I’ve got unusual markings and a sweet nature I have been in care for a long time.
When I was a baby I suffered from B12 deficiency, I had to have injections to prevent my health from deteriorating further.
I’m all better now but I walk a little bit funny.
I only have 50% use of my back legs, my muscles are weak, I will always walk differently.
That doesn’t slow me down though, I love to run and chase my foster siblings, and climb all the cat trees.
Watch me though, I fall off sometimes, I’ve got ambitions stronger than my leg muscles.
I love head scratches but please don’t touch my back, I don’t like back pats very much.
I don’t scratch or bite though, I’ll just duck under your hand.
I’ll need a caring family who can accept me as I am, and help me live a full life in spite of my disability.
I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me.