ADOPT Majestic
MEET Majestic
- Age: 2 year
- Sex: Female
- Breed: DSH
- Carer: Rachael
- 0439357827
Date of listing 09/05/2022
Hi I’m Majestic!
I’m a big girl with a big heart, I’m very friendly and easygoing.
I love pats and ear scratches, I love being doted on.
I move very gracefully, I live up to my name with my refined poise and elegant shiny coat.
I’m happy to have cat company as long as they’re friendly, I don’t start problems but I’ll have the last word if someone else does.
I’m not the biggest fan of exercise in spite of my slim physique, I prefer to relax and have a nice nap.
I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me.