- Age: 13 weeks
- Sex: Female
- Breed: Staffy x
- Carer: Sarah E
- 0427793797
Date of listing 09/03/2022
Hi my name is Opal. I am very cute and energetic.
I live with my foster mum, her two older children and their big dog.
I love cuddles but also love time chilling by myself.
I also love to play with the big dog and my sister and kids but like most my cuddles off my foster mum.
I love playing with all different toys, exploring my big yard and chewing on pigs ears.
I like to protect my yard and let my foster mum know when I hear people coming near by.
I also have two cats that live with me which I am curious about but they are not so keen on me.
I am very clever and learn quickly, I have started sitting before meals and also when my foster mum tells me too with a little encouragement.
I would love a family with a big yard I can grow in.
If you think you have the energy and affection I am after please contact my foster carer.