ADOPT Bocelli
MEET Bocelli
- Age: 7 weeks
- Sex: Male
- Breed: DMH
- Carer: Tina
- 0413 346 338
Date of listing 08/03/2022
Hi I’m Bocelli, named after the Soprano because I sang as loud as I could my first day in care.
I’m a sooky boy, I love attention.
I spend my time playing and running but I come for a kiss and cuddle every so often to make sure you don’t forget me.
I’m a little scared of fast feet, please bend down to talk to me, I’ll get excited if I see your happy face.
I don’t like being by myself very much, I like human or kitty company.
I’m eating all my food and using my litter tray.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me.