ADOPT Fantine
MEET Fantine
- Age: 12 weeks
- Sex: female
- Breed: dsh
- Carer: Rachael
- 0439357827
Date of listing 15/11/2022
Hi I’m Fantine!
I’m the shy one out of my litter. I’m a little unsure of new people but I’m a sweetheart when you gain my trust.
I like back scratches and soft conversations; my eyes will tell you I understand what you’re trying to tell me.
I jump around when my siblings are in play mode, but I don’t often like to be the one tussling, I’m happy to play with toys and watch the fun while I chase behind.
I’m the first to get tired and the last to come to dinner. I’m never in a hurry and I just go with the flow.
I eat all of my food and always use my litter tray.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me.