ADOPT Koshka
MEET Koshka
- Age: 12 weeks
- Sex: Male
- Breed: DSH
- Carer: Rachael
- 0439357827
Date of listing 01/07/2022
Hi I’m Koshka!
I’m a big cuddly boy, I love a good pat and a cuddle as long as it’s from someone I’ve built trust with.
I love to chase my sister and other foster siblings, I’m always looking for fun.
I’m a sweet little purr machine, I’m happy to entertain myself but I’ll get lonely if I’m left alone too long.
New things are a little scary to me so I need a family who’ll make me feel safe, noisy children or dogs are not my cup of tea.
I’m eating all my food and I always use my litter tray.
Call my foster carer to come and meet me.